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PIC Assembly Example

A simple example to echo keypad presses on the display using a Microchip 16F628 processor and a LK202-25 display.

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title "Keypad Echo" LIST R=DEC ; Sets number base to decimal INCLUDE "" ; Includes microchip configuration for this processor __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _HS_OSC & _PWRTE_ON & _LVP_OFF & _MCLRE_ON ; CP - Copy protection (off) ; WDT - Watchdog timer (off) ; HS_OSC - Im using a high speed oscillator (20Mhz) ; PWRTE - Power up timer delay (on), leaves a delay for voltages to stabilise ; LVP - Low voltage programming (off) ; MCLRE - Holds MCLR pin high if on (on) CBLOCK 0x20 ; Declare variable addresses starting at 0x20 DELAY,DELAYTMP ENDC ;##### Macros ##### DELAY_MILLI macro TIME movlw TIME movwf DELAY call DELAY_MS endm DELAY_MICRO macro TIME movlw TIME movwf DELAY call DELAY_US endm SENDDATA macro DATA movlw DATA call TRANSMIT endm CLEARSCREEN macro movlw 0xFE call TRANSMIT movlw 0x58 call TRANSMIT endm ;##### Program Code ##### ORG 0 goto MAIN ;##### Subroutines ##### DELAY_US ; busy wait of DELAY us nop ; (1) nop ; (2) decfsz DELAY,f ; test DELAY count (3) goto DELAY_US ; loop if not done (4,5) return ; gtfo (4,5) DELAY_MS ; busy wait of DELAY ms movf DELAY,w movwf DELAYTMP ; save DELAY time DELAY_MS_LOOP ; inner loop movlw 245 ; load 245 (1) movwf DELAY ; into DELAY (2) call DELAY_US ; wait 245us (3-249) movlw 245 ; load 245 (250) movwf DELAY ; into DELAY (251) call DELAY_US ; wait 245us (252-498) movlw 245 ; load 245 (499) movwf DELAY ; into DELAY (500) call DELAY_US ; wait 245us (501-747) movlw 246 ; load 246 (748) movwf DELAY ; into DELAY (749) call DELAY_US ; wait 246us (750-997) decfsz DELAYTMP,f ; test DELAYTMP count (998) goto DELAY_MS_LOOP ; loop if not done (999,1000) return ; gtfo (999,1000) INIT bsf STATUS,RP0 ; RAM PAGE 1 movlw b'00000010' ; RB7-RB4 and RB1(RX)=input, others output movwf TRISB movlw 0x40 ; 0x40 = 19.2kbps movwf SPBRG movlw b'00100100' ; brgh = high (2) movwf TXSTA ; enable Async Transmission, set brgh bcf STATUS,RP0 ; RAM PAGE 0 movlw b'10010000' ; enable Async Reception movwf RCSTA DELAY_MILLI 250 DELAY_MILLI 250 DELAY_MILLI 250 DELAY_MILLI 250 DELAY_MILLI 250 DELAY_MILLI 250 DELAY_MILLI 250 DELAY_MILLI 250 return TRANSMIT movwf TXREG ; send data in W bsf STATUS,RP0 ; RAM PAGE 1 TRANSMITTEST btfss TXSTA,TRMT ; (1) transmission is complete if hi goto TRANSMITTEST bcf STATUS,RP0 ; RAM PAGE 0 return ;##### Main Program ##### MAIN call INIT CLEARSCREEN receive btfss PIR1,RCIF ; check for received data goto receive movf RCREG,W ; save received data in W call TRANSMIT ; send received data to display goto receive END

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