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Javelin Stamp

Applications notes and examples for Matrix Orbital displays and Parallax Javelin Stamp.

Digital Thermometer

This program demonstrates how to communicate with a DS1620 chip to check for the room temperature in degree Celsius. Once the program has the temperature, it proceeds to display it on a LCD using large digits.
In this example we use the following components:
  • LK204-25 display
  • DS1620 temperature probe
  • Javelin Stamp and board
  • Matrix Orbital bread board cable
 *  December 16, 2002 
 *  This program demonstrates how to communicate with a DS1620 chip
 *  to check for the room temperature in degree Celsius.
 *  Once the program has the temperature, it proceeds to display it on a
 *  CD using large digits.
 *  The program iterates endlessly checking and displaying the
 *  temperature every minute.
 *  1. This program assumes that the temperature will never be below 0
 *      or above 99 degrees Celsius.
 *  2. This program also assumes a minimum LCD size of 4 rows by 20
 *      columns.

// Stamp core basic classes
import stamp.core.*;
// This class encapsulates the basic capabilities of the Dallas DS1620 3-wire
// temperature sensor
import stamp.peripheral.sensor.temperature.DS1620;

public class DisplayTemp {

  // A virtual peripheral UART.
  // Each instance of this class provides asynchronous serial communication
  // ina single direction. For full-duplex communications create two Uart
  // objects, one for each direction.
  // Uart.dirTransmit -> Uart will be used to transmit data only.
  // CPU.pin0 -> Pin used to transmit data
  // Uart.dontInvert -> data is not inverted
  // Uart.speed19200 -> serial data transfer speed (baud rate)
  // Uart.stop1 -> Number of stop bits used is 1
  static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert,
                                           Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

  // main function drives the program
  public static void main() {

    // Creates DS1620 temperature sensor object
    // CPU.pin4: Data pin
    // CPU.pin5: Clock pin
    // CPU.pin6: RST
    DS1620 indoor = new DS1620(CPU.pin4,CPU.pin5,CPU.pin6);
    int iTemp = 0;   // Holds temperature in Celsious
    int iTenths = 0; // Most significant digit of temperature (Tenths)
    int iOnes = 0;   // Least significant digit of temperature (Ones)

    // General display settings
    // Clear screen
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
    txUart.sendByte(0x58); // Clear command
    // Underline Off
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
    txUart.sendByte(0x4B); // Underline off command
    // Blinking Off
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
    txUart.sendByte(0x54); // Blinking off command

    // Display 'Degree Celsius' beside number of degrees
    // Position cursor
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
    txUart.sendByte(0x47); // Move cursor command
    txUart.sendByte(0x09); // column position
    txUart.sendByte(0x02); // row position
    // Send text to the above cursor position
    txUart.sendString("Degrees");  //Sends the word "Degrees" to the LCD
    // Next Line - Move cursor to the next line
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
    txUart.sendByte(0x47); // Move cursor command
    txUart.sendByte(0x09); // column position
    txUart.sendByte(0x03); // row position
    // Send text to the above position
    txUart.sendString("Celsius"); // Sends the word "Celsius" to the LCD
    // Large Digits On
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
    txUart.sendByte(0x6E); // Large digits on command
    // Infinite Loop that checks current temperature and displays it
      // Get Temperature in Celsius
      iTemp = indoor.getTempC();  // Requests temperature from DS1620
      // Get tenths - the most significant digit to display first
      iTenths = (int)iTemp / 10;
      // Get ones - the least significant digit to display second
      iOnes = iTemp - iTenths * 10;
      // Send temperature to lcd - first tenths then ones
      // Send tenths
      txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
      txUart.sendByte(0x23); // Large digit command
      txUart.sendByte(0x01); // Column location - Large digits take-up 3 cols
      txUart.sendByte(iTenths); // Digit - Takes up columns 1, 2, and 3
      // Send ones - leave column 4 blank
      txUart.sendByte(0xFE); // Command Prefix
      txUart.sendByte(0x23); // Large digit command
      txUart.sendByte(0x05); // Column location - 1,2,3 taken-up by tenths
      txUart.sendByte(iOnes); // Digit - Takes up columns 5, 6, an 7
      // Pause for a minute - maximum delay is 32 seconds
      CPU.delay(32000); // Pauses for 32 seconds
      CPU.delay(32000); // Pauses for 32 seconds

Javelin Image 1
Javelin Image 2

Example #2

A more advanced example using while loops and creating animated custom characters in two different ways.

You can redefine custom characters on the fly and even when they are displayed. If you have a custom character displays, you can change they way the all look by resending the information to it!

Stamp: Javelin Stamp
Communication Type: Serial
Display Used: Any Matrix Orbital display that supports serial communication such as the MOS or LK/VK/PK series

Displaying Animated Custom Characters:

We have two examples of code here, they both will do the exact same thing, just in two different ways.


This example uses two custom characters and will display one and then the other to create motion.

public class CustomChar1
  static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

  public static void main()
    txUart.sendByte('X');       //clear screen

    txUart.sendByte(0xFE);    //command prefix
    txUart.sendByte('N');     //custom character command
    txUart.sendByte(0x00);    //custom character value 0-7
    txUart.sendByte(14);      //8 bytes to create the custom character

    txUart.sendByte(0xFE);    //command prefix
    txUart.sendByte('N');     //custom character command
    txUart.sendByte(0x01);    //custom character value 0-7
    txUart.sendByte(14);      //8 bytes to create the custom character

    while (true)
      txUart.sendByte(0xFE);    //command prefix
      txUart.sendByte('H');     //send cursor home
      txUart.sendByte(0x00);    //display custom character 0x00
      CPU.delay(5000);          //pause
      txUart.sendByte(0xFE);    //command prefix
      txUart.sendByte('H');     //send cursor home
      txUart.sendByte(0x01);    //display custom character 0x01
      CPU.delay(5000);          //pause


This example uses only one custom character, but redefines the data of it every single time.

public class CustomChar2
  static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

  public static void main()

    txUart.sendByte('X');       //clear screen
    txUart.sendByte(0x00);     //display custom character 0

    while (true)

  public static void Char1()
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE);    //command prefix
    txUart.sendByte('N');     //custom characer command
    txUart.sendByte(0x00);    //custom character value 0-7
    txUart.sendByte(14);      //8 bytes to create the custom caharacter

  public static void Char2()
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE);    //command prefix
    txUart.sendByte('N');     //custom character command
    txUart.sendByte(0x00);    //custom character value 0-7
    txUart.sendByte(14);      //8 bytes to create the custom character

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Creating and sending custom characters to a display from a Javelin Stamp.
Our alphanumeric displays have custom characters. This is usefull if you want to use characters not available in the displays character map.

Stamp: Javelin Stamp
Communication Type: Serial
Display Used: Any Matrix Orbital display that supports serial communication such as the MOS or LK/VK/PK series


All of Matrix Orbital Alphanumeric displays have 8 custom character locations. The custom characters are predefined and then called with in the program by the decimal or hex value. In this example we use hex therefore calling our digits will be by 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 and 0x07. Custom characters are used to generate the bargraphs and large digits, therefore you cannot have custom characters and bargraps (or large digits) at the same time.

Display a Custom Character:

  public static void main()
static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

    txUart.sendByte(0xFE);  //command prefix
    txUart.sendByte('N');   //custom characer command
    txUart.sendByte(0x00);  //custom character value 0-7
    txUart.sendByte(12);    //8 bytes to create
    txUart.sendByte(18);    //the custom character

    txUart.sendByte(0x00);   //display custom character 0


You can redefine custom characters on the fly and even when they are displayed. If you have a custom character displays, you can change they way the all look by resending the information to it!

For technical discussions and questions, please visit our forums

Large Digits

This Applications note shows how easy it is to utilize large digits that are built into Matrix Orbital displays.
Our alphanumeric displays have the ability to display large digits. This is usefull if you want to see the temperature in large easy to read letters.

Stamp: Javelin Stamp
Communication Type: Serial
Display Used: Any Matrix Orbital display that supports serial communication such as the MOS or LK/VK/PK series


Large digits is a combination of the 8 custom characters an alphanumeric display has. These 8 custom characters are user defined and can be used how ever the user sees fit. You will have to note, that you cannot use Large Digits, Bar Graps or user defined Custom Characters at the same time. It has to be one or the other.

Countdown Example:

// Uart.dirTransmit -> Uart will be used to transmit data only.
// CPU.pin0 -> Pin used to transmit data
// Uart.dontInvert -> data is not inverted
// Uart.speed19200 -> serial data transfer speed (baud rate)
// Uart.stop1 -> Number of stop bits used is 1

static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

// Countdown from 9 to 0
    txUart.sendByte(0xFE);    // Command prefix
    txUart.sendByte(0x6E);    // Initialize large digits

    for(i = 9; i >= 0; i--)   // Iterate from 9 to 0
      txUart.sendByte(0xFE);  // Command prefix
      txUart.sendByte(0x23);  // Place large digits command
      txUart.sendByte(19);    // Column where to start placing digit
      txUart.sendByte(i);     // Digit to display (From 9 to 0)
      CPU.delay(30000);       // Pause for 3 seconds to allow viewing

In this code, the display will display 10 large digits, starting with 9 and going to 0. You can expand on this by creating 2+ more numbers at the same time. This code is usefull for the digital thermometer we will be building next.

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Sending commands to a display from a Javelin Stamp.

Sending a Command to the display: 

BASIC Stamp: BASIC Stamp 2p models
Communication Type: I2C
Display Used: Any Matrix Orbital display that supports I2C such as the MOI or LK/VK/PK series.

Sending a command to the display is as easy as sending characters to the display except that you need to send it the command prefix '0xFE' first and then the command and any arguments if required. Note that you cannot use sendString to send a command to the display. You need to send each character individually.

For example to clear the screen...

// Uart.dirTransmit -> Uart will be used to transmit data only.
// CPU.pin0 -> Pin used to transmit data
// Uart.dontInvert -> data is not inverted
// Uart.speed19200 -> serial data transfer speed (baud rate)
// Uart.stop1 -> Number of stop bits used is 1

static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

txUart.sendByte(0xFE);     // Command Prefix in HEX
txUart.sendByte(0x58);     // Clear command

In this example the command to clear the screen is sent to the display. Every command requires a "Command Prefix". In Matrix Orbital displays, that's Hex: FE Decimal: 254 ASCII: 254, you can send these bytes in any format you want, as long as you do it properly. In our example we sent them as HEX, if you prefer DECIMAL then don't include 0x.
txUart.sendByte(254); // Command Prefix in DECIMAL

Setting the Backlight to go off in 2 minute:

// Uart.dirTransmit -> Uart will be used to transmit data only.
// CPU.pin0 -> Pin used to transmit data
// Uart.dontInvert -> data is not inverted
// Uart.speed19200 -> serial data transfer speed (baud rate)
// Uart.stop1 -> Number of stop bits used is 1

static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

txUart.sendByte(0xFE);     // Command Prefix
txUart.sendByte(0x42);     // Backlight ON command
txUart.sendByte(0x02);     // Stay ON for 2 minutes only

To permanently turn the backlight on, you would send 0 as the third byte. When the display recieves the command, it will know how many more bytes of information it should get. In the backlight on case, the display knows to expect one more byte of information.

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Sending text to a display from a Javelin Stamp.

Before you start...
You need to either set your LCD for TTL levels or add a RS232 chip to you circuit. For setting the LCD to TTL levels, please consult the manual for your display.

Connecting the LCD to the Javelin Stamp (Hardware)...
We used bread board cable and connect the pins to pin #2, #3 and #5.

Pin #2 is connected to P0
Pin #3 is connected to P1
Pin #5 is connectod to Vss, which is ground

Code Examples

Connecting the LCD to the Javelin Stamp (Software)...

Before you can communicate with the LCD you need to create a Virtual UART Peripheral to communicate with the LCD.

// Uart.dirTransmit -> Uart will be used to transmit data only.
// CPU.pin0 -> Pin used to transmit data
// Uart.dontInvert -> data is not inverted
// Uart.speed19200 -> serial data transfer speed (baud rate)
// Uart.stop1 -> Number of stop bits used is 1

static Uart txUart = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit, CPU.pin0, Uart.dontInvert, Uart.speed19200, Uart.stop1 );

Sending text to the screen:

Now that you have a connection to the LCD sending text is very easy. Just send each byte (character) at a time like this...

txUart.sendByte(0x43);     // letter 'C' ASCII code
txUart.sendByte(0x6F);     // letter 'o' ASCII code
txUart.sendByte(0x6F);     // letter 'o' ASCII code
txUart.sendByte(0x6C);     // letter 'l' ASCII code

OR even better send the whole string at once...

txUart.sendString("Cool");     // Send string "Cool"

Your display should display the word "Cool" after running this code.

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