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GTT Rev2.0 Feature Demo

A short, self-contained application note that uses the utility of scripted regions to showcase a number of GTT features.

GTT2.0 Features Demo AppNote

A brief introduction to the methods and functions showcased in the features demo.

GTT35A Demo Files

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT35A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT38A Demo Files

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT38A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT43A Demo Files

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT43A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT50A Demo Files

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT50A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT70A Demo Files

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT&0A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

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