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GTT Firmware

GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.6.0.8950

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file. 

GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.5.0.7702

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file. 

GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.4.0.6931

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file. 

GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.3.6632

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file.

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